+ Are your classes pre-recorded? and what is the difference between pre-recorded and live classes?

No, we only offer live one on one classes because we strongly believe that every student needs feedbacks that are specific to them.You may learn to play an instrument from a pre-recorded class, but there will be no instructor to spot your problems. However, in live classes your intructor will actively listen to you and have solutions to help you solve the problems you encounter.

Yes, we only offer original arts from well-known artists that are unique and increase in value over-time.

+ Can i take classes with grand masters even thought i do not know anything about music?

Absolutely! Our beginner classes are designed in a way that work on building a strong music/art foundation for aspiring musicians and/or artists that have little to nothing knowledge about the field. Most of out grand masters prefer to work with biginner students because they believe having a strong foundation is the kry to success.

+ How long does it take to receive the instruments and instrument cases that i've ordered?

It takes approximately 3-4 weeks to receive your pre-build instrument and/or instrument cases. However, the time frame in which you receive your customized instrument may vary greatly due to the waitlist time of the builder. We only work with the experts in the industry that may have waitlist times of months to a year; but on average it may take approximately 2-4 months to reveive your customized instrument.

+ Can i take your classes if i live in iran?

Unfortunately, we don't offer classes for people in iran at this point.